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Opticalsnare released an updated version of his famous Blastcore mod on the BI forums.

    Quote Opticalsnare :
    This a Visual Effects package for the A3 Platform. Report any errors or feedback.
    Make sure you have set the particles to high in the options menu. And are running the latest CBA build!

    • Redone Colour Design
    • Redone Spark Design
    • Reduce slightly smoke output on smoke grenades (WIP)
    • Implemented AI Block Visibility to smoke grenades
    • Reduced Missile & Rocket Smoke on some ammo classes still requires further work. (WIP)
    • Updated missile smoke scripts (WIP)
    • Changed particle effect on Explosion / Fireball for vehicle destruction
    • Changes updates to aircraft flares
    • Changes to tank counter measures / increased smoke duration (WIP)
    • Implemented new tank muzzle effects (WIP)
    • Increased Duration of light flash on SPAAG cannons
    • Updated number of shells to be ejected to match ROF of SPAAG cann ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 5627 | Добавил: Raitis | Дата: 2014-01-05 | Комментарии (0)

RobertHammer released his RH M4/M16 pack on the BI forums.

    Quote RobertHammer :
    This is the M4/M16 pack for ArmA 3 and contains various ar15 rifles and attachments to them.
    There's also ammo box for these weapons.
    Enjoy those weapons!

Просмотров: 4530 | Добавил: Raitis | Дата: 2013-10-28 | Комментарии (0)

As dale pointed on the Armaholic forums, Bohemia Interactive today announced the upcoming Alpha release for their PC-exclusive tactical military shooter game, Arma 3.
Together with this announcement new screenshots have been released, you can view all of them by clicking "read more..". Some screenshots you may already have seen before, but with this game almost on a PC near you, why not enjoy them again!

    Quote Bohemia Interactive :
    Prague, Czech Republic, Tuesday 26 February 2013

    Bohemia Interactive today announced their plans for the upcoming PC-exclusive tactical military shooter game, Arma 3™. From next week onward, Tuesday March 5th, all are welcome to try out the authentic military gameplay and assist in the game’s development by participating in the Arma 3 Alpha. The Alpha will feature a limited amount of playable and sandbox content, receive regular updates and remain accessible until Arma 3’s Beta starts – which is expected in the second quarter of this year. The full and final version of Arma 3 is scheduled for release in Q3 2013.

    Featured in the Arma 3 Alpha are four showcase missions (Infantry, Veh ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 2764 | Добавил: Raitis | Дата: 2013-02-28 | Комментарии (0)

Korneel van 't Land sent us a new press release informing the community Arma 3 will be a Steam exclusive.
Contrary what some people seem to believe this does not mean you can not buy a physical copy of the game, that will of course still be possible (but will depend on your region) or other digital distributions.
You will be given different options to buy the game, however Steam will be needed to run in the background to be able to play Arma 3.
Also an offline mode will be supported!

We would like to thank all people who informed us about this latest news and also thank all people who posted their concerns what this could mean for all different community efforts.
Thanks to Fr3eMan, RyanHunter24, MissileMoose, DaOarge and Blackheart_Six.

    Quote :
    Prague, Czech Republic, Thursday 21 February 2013

    Ahead of their release plans announcement, Bohemia Interactive has revealed that Valve’s Steam will be required to play Arma 3. In a developer’s blog p ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 1686 | Добавил: Raitis | Дата: 2013-02-21 | Комментарии (0)

Слева направо: Алексей Игнатьев, Владимир Бобров и Дмитрий Носов (Bear_Grylls)

6 февраля в городе ­Кириши состоялось подведение итогов деятельности Ленинградской областной подсистемы по предупреждению и ликвидации чрезвычайных ситуаций за 2012 год.

В мероприятии приняли участие губернатор области Александр Дрозденко, вице-губернатор Андрей Бурлаков, а также руководители системы МЧС Северо-Западного региона и Ленинградской области.
Не остались без внимания представители нашего города. Двое сосновоборских пожарных — начальник 72 пожарной части, подполковник Алексей Игнатьев и заместитель начальника 71 ПЧ, старший лейтенант Дмитрий Носов — были награждены медалями «За отвагу на пожаре». Ещё одному представителю Соснового Бора, прапорщику 72 пожарной части Владимиру Боброву был вручён знак отличия «За особые заслуги».
Столь высоких наград наши спасатели были удостоены за ликвидацию пожара, который произошёл в конце минувшего года на улице Мира, дом 5. Напомним, что тогда в результате сильного возгорания несколько жит ... Читать дальше »

Просмотров: 996 | Добавил: Raitis | Дата: 2013-02-15 | Комментарии (4)

Jeza informed us LordJarhead released update 3 for his J.S.R.S. Soundmod on the BI forums.
This small patch will update the script config to support ACR, CWR², CWR² UK and CWR² NL as well as a fix for the SMAW spotting rounds.
We have also updated our download of the full version, so if you have not yet downloaded the J.S.R.S. Soundmod you can just download the full version and you will not need any additional fixes.

Additionally LordJarhead released the J.S.R.S. Soundmod - ACR DLC Sounds which adds the ACR Weapon and Vehicle Sounds. This requires you have J.S.R.S. Soundmod v1.5 update 3 installed!

Use the patches if you already downloaded version 1.5 earlier! Thank you!

J.S.R.S. Soundmod Update 3 v1.5

... Читать дальше »

Просмотров: 1280 | Добавил: Raitis | Дата: 2013-01-24 | Комментарии (0)

Soldier2390 posted a new update on the Armaholic forums showing the progress he made with the M931 Tractor-Trailers Addon he is working on.

You can find more info and leave your feedback in the U.S. Military Tractor Trailers wip thread.
Просмотров: 982 | Добавил: Raitis | Дата: 2012-11-24 | Комментарии (0)

Arma 2 - Infantry Commando Units

tpM informed us he released 2 new work in progress videos of the Advanced Combat Sound Environment he is working on.

    Quote tpM :
    I replaced the "old" slapback produced by nearby buildings to a more simple one as you can hear in the first video.

    The second video is a short demonstration of how objects (in this case, a house) affecting firing sounds in this soundmod. The shooter fires at a car waiting next to the far side of the building (thats why you can hear the metallic impacts). Work in Progress (not released yet).

You can find more detailed information in the Advanced Combat Sound Environment WIP topic.
Просмотров: 964 | Добавил: Raitis | Дата: 2012-11-06 | Комментарии (0)


Carlos Alberto Arango Schütz (monovdd)

... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 1211 | Добавил: Raitis | Дата: 2012-11-03 | Комментарии (0)

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